Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010

It is two years today since the day when 10 terrorists wreaked havoc in the south of Mumbai. Over 150 people were killed by them, and billion left in the wake of pain: the pain of being left prisoners in your own home. It elucidated the danger normal Indians live in everyday. They are not secure; they have been targeted. It fails to impress me how certain people could mastermind such a dastardly move, and make individuals go on a suicide mission to kill as many people before they themselves are killed. Die, and kill them too.
It is completely opposite to the Indian philosophy of “live and let live”; no wonder it left us in such a pain. Why would a group of people conspire cowardice over a peaceful nation? I can only pity them. The government was jerked awake by this fact, and definitely carried out required measures in full steam. They even sacked the then under-performing minister of Home Affairs, and mobilized a massive task force in order to determine who the culprit was.
Some said it were the Pakistanis, some said it was Al-Qaeda. I do not know, and not that doth matter. These terrorist are a cancer. They must be exterminated.
I don’t consider them humans, and hence terrorists have no religion. They come from no region of the earth, and they possess no feeling for their brethren.
Yes, the war on terror is necessary.
Now, when on the 4th of December I go to Mumbai, the shocking signs of Bullet marks at the Leopold Café would chill my blood again, and remind me, that the war on terror is necessary.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Many people have called him a man of many skills; a master of all trades, jack of none. Yet, what he actually was is merely a great time-manager. ‘Merely’ is a wrong way to describe it, because it is ultimately what differentiates between Steve Jobs and other people. We must accept this fact – we can never become someone like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates or Warren Buffet.
We can only be us.
But what allowed Umberto to simultaneously produce to seminal work, both on the fictional and non-fictional spheres of literature. Semiotics isn’t a lightly study. It often requires people to work long at seemingly unending pile of books, and historical texts, trying to link strange signs and make some meaning out of it. So how exactly did Umberto manage it????
In an interview, he explains, that he used to work in the interstices.
It is a well-known fact that if we could magically reduce all the empty spaces within the atom, the universe could fit within the fist of our hand. Of course we don’t really have a chance to put it to the anvil because no such infinite extension charm is available with us today (except in the world of Harry Potter).
Interstices are similarly the times that seemingly seem worthless. He explains further that “consider you are visiting my house, and I am waiting for you to come up through the elevator. In between the time, I try to do something useful. Because, by the time you would have arrived through the elevator, I would have already written a newspaper article.”
This is what interstices are. We must fill the gaps. And our lives would be fulfilled.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Harry Potter and the "maut key taufey"

Would you believe how base these people could become while dubbing??? Diabolical!!!
They turned Deathly hallows into a mortified version of a bloody Hindi horror film! Maut key taufey!
Bless Dumbledore's beard, never thought i would go to watch this stupidity. They even forgot to translate "Deathly Hallows" correctly.
"Maut key taufey" means "The gifts of death"; which i think is correct, as far as the tales of Beedle the Bard is concerned. But it miserably fails when it comes to the fact that they are hallows. They are holy to death, or at least coveted possessions when it comes to the Crypto-Wizards, like X. Lovegood.
What these exactly are, there is little to debate: skilled handicrafts from the most skilled wizards of the times. The Peverell Brothers might have made that out of curiosity, or just for the lust of power, it doesn't really matter. What matter is how a confusion over the name killed a day that i had been waiting for ever since the book came out.
Yesterday was such a day. I woke up, feeling as fleet as Tinker Bell. I went with plenty of time to spare towards the multiplex, with the plot fuzzing through my head like a stream of bubbling waterfall. But just as the movie was about to begin, two asses cam to sit beside me, and that was it.
Along with "Maut key Taufey" you get a free Harry Potter hater but Emma Watson lover sitting beside you, you know the day you had been waiting for is coming to a painful abrupt close.
OUCH. That did hurt.
But the movie was nice. The way they carried the plot was absolutely wonderful. I must give credit to David Yates for reproducing such a marvelously crafted book into an awesome movie.
I will not comment on comments stating that the movie is quite slow. Are you friggin' crazy??
I wanted the film to be even slower. I wanted to savour each moment of intense emotion that the characters go through. I wanted to get lost in the world of Rowling, for once without having to imagine everything myself.....
Huh... expectations shouldn't be so high, especially when you go to Harry potter and "maut key taufey".
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
In fact, I am a really big fan of Owl City. Some people say Owl city is a rip-of &c. But, I believe those people should hear his music two times over and if no vision breaks in your head, you can qualify yourself as a human without imagination.
Ah, I love Owl City so much that I could go ranting a hundred times over. But that is that. Inevitably, as a fan, I am susceptible to reading Adam Young's humorous and interesting blogs, which feature his insight into his music, his life, and his wonderful power of imagination.
This November 8th post was really very interesting. You can actually go and read it over yourself. It is humorous and slightly true.
I must say the guy is hitting the right areas in the article. For those of you who don't possess the strength of turning over pages (or rather clicking on hyperlinks) "Deep Regret" is a disorder of men loosing there guts and mind while in presence of beautiful women. Like for example if Scarlett Johansson was in front of you, the stakes of you uttering a very stupid response to her is about 198% higher than normal.
LOL. For me that accounts for 258%.
So, has it ever happened to you? Usually this disorder is seen among adolescents over the oh-so-beautiful girl in class &c. But I think it persists for a far a longer period of time.
So what is DEEPER REGRET? The Regret of never having met a girl beautiful enough to have DEEP REGRET.
Let us be frank people. We are men; and for biological, prestige and ... whatever reason, we love to have at least one beautiful woman around. Oh, there are exceptions to presence of beautiful woman: they are most unwelcome in laboratory discussions, mathematics problem solving sessions, hands-on rugby sessions, and of course for that most important game of the season.
I would be lying if i told you I never saw a person with whom i had DEEP REGRET, but then it has never been that difficult. I don't find socializing with women a tad difficult. It in fact comes to me easily. I am more comfortable with exquisite women around than being with a rowdy group of males, banging beer bottles or shouting four-letter-words with them.
Women, and I deeply respect them for that, have class. Yes sir, they have class. You may consider me a feminist, but i consider my mother in the highest manner. I consider some of my friends (who are girls) is the highest manner. I like their behavior, which I find a little more civilized than 65% of the male population of the world.
But then, such a view, coupled with constantly being hounded by girls, make my attitude towards them rather more friendly. But, yes, I miss the DEEP REGRET. I miss it so much. I wish I could find a few faces in the crowd who are like "O WOW". Feminine sensuality tends to miss me at times.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
How People Honk
Every day, just as the clock strikes eight, a cacophony of horns emerges across my front window. It lasts a good amount of fourteen hours since then.
It starts with the late school boy, with his trailing horn, warning the others that his brash recklessness can them in the hospital. How much do you need me to display me irresponsibility? I’m already freakishly late, he says.
Then there comes Mister Busy. He is the guy who drives the slowest, showing his just-washed sedan to all, and honks an unbelievable tune. He would stop behind people on the traffic light, and try to blow their eardrums off. His intention: he wants to stand right in front of you crossing over the white line that says STOP.
Miss Perky travels very fast, zipping across the streets with abandon, literally. Reason: she knows only two speeds, 0 km/h and 60 km/h, nothing in between. She will blow her high-pitched horn, mimicking her own voice everywhere, wverytime. She believes that hearing it everyone will fear that a railway engine is through.
And then comes the Railway Man, always on his scooter, blowing his horn only after the crossing is crossed.
Suddenly you hear a heart thumping noise. What was that? A demon? Apocalypse? Oh no that was only the school bus honking madly because a pupil is late.
Mr. Cool has his own way. He blows his horn differently, leans like a pro on the turn, and does a wheelie every time he sees a girl. Boy, and he thinks he is cool.
Miss daydream is next. She is all about her own business, looking lost and confused. Only after someone honks does she meekly reply with a small jab at the button. I rather like her; she does not disturb me in the morning snooze. And so the sun settles down into her afternoon position.
It so passes, that whenever you are concentrating on something important, Master Rockstar come out. He bends away like a MAGLEV, almost out of touch of the road (and sometimes he does get out of touch). He always blows his horn in a particular manner, always in a tune. He is loud, boisterous, and, my, he is fast. He just whizzes away, with his horns doppling away.
Then, there is Hurry Billy. He is a sophisticate, and always in a hurry. He tries to beat Valentino Rossi and Jorge Lorenzo right in India’s dilapidated roads, every time he goes out! He always horns, much like miss perky, but always after overtaking. He does everything honking, blowing five-six peace shattering blasts while cruising in the open road, just to show that he is in a hurry.
Then, it is Miss Meticulous. She’ll always blow her horn a particular way, for a particular time. Always 2.63 seconds.
Mr. Hero. He is the person with perfectly set hair, with goggles on his forehead, wearing a handkerchief on his neck, like a scarf with a open shirt showing his vests, and a low waist jeans. He rides a chopper, and with his polished smile, he calmly attaches his air horn. As if he needs one. Such a character, with so loud a bike, can hardly be missed by anyone. But when he it comes to honking he is a villain for sure. He goes crazy, pressing the button like he is keying in a 80 character phone number.
Oh! Had Beethoven heard it, he would have been glad he was deaf. Though, I believe, he would become deaf after hearing that any way.
But the most lethal of them all is the Ninja. Quiet like an owl, he swoops down upon his prey from sharp angled turns, and blind corners, travelling as fast as starlight. He is the most dangerous, and I don’t like him a bit, even though he is not a honker.
And who’s that? He doesn’t need a horn, he has the siren. Oh, he is the local politician; bloody leech of our democracy.
So where is the simple one? The one who uses his horn just to warn others? Why, he is writing this!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Burn the Koran?! Oh my god!
It was bad I agree, but this is worse. America, was never like this. America showed the world democracy, and fought for righteous ideals. This was not what was expected of american people, who openly embraced Gandhi and his ideals in Martin Luther King Jr.!/pages/International-Burn-A-Koran-Day/134718123226530?ref=ts
Not only does such an occurrence haunt me, but is absolutely ill-timed and absolutely politically incorrect.
We have never been brought up to like this sort of dehumanizing acts. They say they are condemning the Islamic religion. They say that Islam is not a religion of peace.
No religion is! In fact, I must go on to say that Religion has often than not stirred wars amongst Human beings.
But this is madness. People don't understand the Socio-Political unrest this action could create. And another thing, how could humans be so vile that they burn another's Holy Book. People have started to do this monstrous thing already, because some stupid Pastor (I call stupid people stupid) called on this "great drive to salvation".
I dislike this. This is not according to Gandhian Principles. How different does it make you from Osama bin Laden? He is an infidel, so to counter him, must you be the same?
We should be burning (rather not, the global warming is high this year) Osama bin Laden and reading the Koran into his face adn telling him where he has wrongly interpreted it.
Hail Islam! The religion of Peace!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
That Stinking Smell...
Unfortunately this brand of smelly patronage had pervaded the Indian society all too much. In fact, the ‘bureau’ (because all in India is but a bureau) responsible for maintaining the air fresheners (which we so need in the face of fishy-business) has gone all awry. I am of course considering the sanitary department of my city here; who I believe is on leave for some emergency holiday. Yes they must be; otherwise how would you explain this behavior: a truck came up full of garbage and emptied some on a piece of open land? I, for one, am of the opinion that fishy businesses fill the air full of the same stinking feeling. Corruption is bad for the country, as much as it is for your nose.
Stupid, stinking bureaucrats! I even smell something fishy in my fish…
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Udaan: Flight of dreams
In a cinema culture where larger than life themes, exotic locales, and seemingly predictable storylines, this film arrives as a breath of fresh air to people like me who like to see the cinema express humanity in a form which could truly be considered as art: aesthetically pleasing, and confident.
Udaan, with its simple location, cannot be truly said as to what it wanted to depict. Perhaps it was brotherhood, or sibling relationship, or atrocious parents, it really told a lot. But I could summarize it for you as the story of a boy wanting to break his shackles and fly.
Now I am not going to write much about its story, and am not interested to give you a review of a movie, you can very well find it in IMDB, but I will like to tell you some of the feelings which flickered through me during the show.
Sometimes you see a film which gets you absorbed in its characters, and make you feel anger, hatred, pity and love for them. The Shawshank Redemption was one such movie which really caused me to apprehend its characters deeply. Udaan does the same. When the boy, Rohan, vents his anger on his father’s car, you feel the rush of blood flowing through your veins. And most of all, when Rohan outruns his father, you feel joy, you feel freedom, you feel flight.
The film displays in iconic detail the struggle under forced rule, and how an aspiring and talented writer, like me, who is entangled in Engineering digress. It is so sad to see his novel being burned by his father, and the way he deploys his mind beside the rivers of Jamshedpur.
And most of all, how it gives you the feeling of righteous flight from the shackles of tedium of this world.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Long Delay
Writing a blog is great, but to repeat a series of tasks again and again in order to publish it, makes me feel as if I am in a loop. The World Cup was far too much in a fast pace for me. Evidently, I could not comment on it its ending, because more pressing tasks literally are pressing me too much.
The life of a student is wonderful, they say. Might be; but ask anyone in India who is aiming for the IIT-JEE. I am not. I just happen to be a floating leaf amidst a foaming stream. I do not wish to be an engineer; I want to be an astronomer! But as preparing a delicacy often requires us to cook more side-dishes rather than the main course, I too need to give this examination in order to achieve the minimum of my dreams. In India, this one examination kills more people than the king cobra.
It is often not the examination itself, but its hype, its battle like confrontation, and its reputation being a do-or-die one is perhaps at fault. People often spend years (exactly two or more) to try and sneak into the premier institutions of India for Engineering: Indian Institute of Technology. When all hopes and aspirations come crashing, it is often hard to take, and the impulsive reaction is pulverizing both to the body and the mind. I myself is in this mad competition and I myself am a part of this preparation.
This preparation then involves institutes which ‘coach’ you to get into the institutes. Commonly called in India: Coaching Classes. So, now, what is the problem? They flood me with their nonsensical studies. And because of that I do not get time to write my excellent blog.
Thus, I will now commit my blog as a weekly task, and hope no more assignment of my coaching class block me from writing. I sincerely hope that my readers will bear with me.
Though I am not quite sure if that would be a grizzly or a Kodiak……
Monday, June 28, 2010
England Rooined
But were they so bad, that they crashed out of the round of 16? No, I personally don't think so. England could have gone onto the semifinals, had not it been for their extremely poor showing in the group stages. they were just really unlucky to meet the German stride. Just as Portugal face Spain tonight, and one of them is destined to end their World Cup campaign in the Round of 16, a good team doesn't become bad, they only become unlucky.
England could have qualified without any problem to the semi finals, but they blew their chance. In fact, had they topped their group, they did have a fairly easy chance of making the semifinals. Look at the quarter finalists there! Uruguay and Ghana.
Ghana would have been a formidable challenge indeed, and looking at their current form, you would say, England would have lost against Ghana any way.
But I would indeed beg to differ. England could have put through everything had their coach would have been something of more open against everyone. He struck to the 4-4-2 formation which every English team has applied since don't knwo when, and have consistently failed!
Only heaven save Capello now.
And by the way, Lampard, that was a goal. Doesn't matter, you played bad anyway.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
The Ego Factor
Some would say yes, some would say no. And there you have it: the case of different views of different people. Indeed, for certain egoists, another of their class may not be egoist at all, and a good, humble person might only be insane. So that is what I mean: every person has their own criteria for egotism… what we may call the ego-o-meter.
Getting Ego out of our system is very important, for it blocks our field of view, and thus our appreciation of the world. It blocks us from sitting with a poor pal, who has lost his kitty. It blocks us from working in our own garden, and it blocks us from many a things that our heart eggs us to do.
When you feel that some invisible force thus doesn’t allow you to do what you want to, know that that is your ego. Let it go, let it go, and you will enjoy the splendours of the world.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
World cup Review
Seriously! It even looked like that Federer's mind during that opening match focused more on Switzerland's result then his serve!
World Cup has indeed sprung up many surprises, and many upsets, but the spirit and excitement only continues to rise. Like many, I was surprised at Portugal and Ivory Coast's draw. It seems that the Portugal coach had everything planned because then they thrashed North Korea 7-0.
Yes, it is sad for me that the African teams aren't making their presence felt with big upsets. It was sad to see Cameroon bow out so tamely, for they are the indomitable lions, and I think yet tht they shall come back stronger than ever in the next installment. Africa's largest bid was Ivory Coast, but as luck would have it, they have fallen into the trap of the Group of death. It hardly looks likely that they would be able to progress further, as they slumped to 1-3 loss against Brazil, and that they wouold score more than 5 goals against North Korea. But I am indeed hoping for that to happen!
Speaking of Brazil, if they continue to play thus, I am sure that they will beat everyone to the title.
Argentina are making sufficient spectacle, both on the pitch and the sidelines. Maradona has found the right combination for the multiple attack threats that they possess, but do look a little off without Mascherano. I do believe they go through well into the quarter-final. Secondly, i think i fancy Argentina to be a big contender now, and all-of-a-sudden, they seem to be playing the best.
i just saw england scrape through. Boy, would it have been great to see them out: would give them the nerve to buy a better manager. Come on, i mean it is obvious that Emile Heskey's partnership with Rooney upfront is stupidity. It is impossible. You put in Jermaine Defoe, and you know.... you get qualified.
I can't wait to watch tonight's match of Germany. They still are a dangerous side, but it would be sad to see Ghana lose out. I hope to see them both through.
So the world cup to sum up has been great, but I can't wait for it to become better.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Spanish Stunner
The 1-0 defeat they suffered in the hands of Switzerland, may only serve to prod the sleeping Dragon. Spain have great quality, but converting it into results on the pitch is very important.
Spain have always had great squads, especially in the late 1990s. With Raul, Morientes, Hierro, and many other players playing for them, or rather themselves, they did have a chance. But they never had the cohesion that they had shown in the Euro 2008.
But against Switzerland that was completely missing. I also would like to think that they didn't play their best. Because if they have, they are woefully short of practice.
Lost spring
Today, our English teacher taught us a lesson “Stories of stolen childhood” by Indian author Anees Jung. It was about certain incidental meetings with underprivileged children that the author comes across. Incidentally, a well-privileged child misbehaved during the lesson. Well, what should I recount? He was eating his lunch during the period!
The story itself was about Saheb, a boy born in Bangladesh who by cruel turns of fate, was living impoverished in a slum near Delhi. Cruel twists indeed, for his home was uprooted in a huge storm that ravaged much of the country, and which is also a seasonal occurrence during and before he monsoon sets in the Indian subcontinent.
So, a little angry, our teacher prodded us on with some recounts of who we were. She said, “Look at Saheb, who, despite not having the best of resources, wanted to study, but did not get enough money, or at least a school to go to. He made his living in such an age (eleven) that you could not even buy vegetables for yourself. He makes a living, which none of you, even now, could or can do. It does not matter what he earned, but he earned his bread and butter cleaning dishes at a tea stall. How many of you could do that now I wonder?
“But some of the people who do have the resources (she pointed to the child), do not have the wish to study. Regard your fortune with luck, for though you have all, in an instance, it could be reduced to nothing, and you may have to struggle. You spend your parent’s hard-earned money in buying electronic toys; in that money a good child like Saheb could have got his education!”
I was left stunned by her. I don’t really spend a lot of money myself, because I only come from a middle class family, but it is true that the truth hurts more than a bee’s sting.
How much money do we waste? A lot, to tell you the complete truth. We waste it in betting, in casinos, in spas and boutiques, and in countless other stupidities, like Lindsay Lohan and her girlfriends partying all over the world and spending thousands and thousands of dollars. Why don’t we use them for some constructive purposes? What has stopped us in spending them for constructive purposes? I wonder deeply.
Do not mistake me! I know that some people are the result of their own waste; I know how indeed they destroy their lives drinking, abusing and cursing. They are not people of God. They don’t even consider him a part of their lives, and I don’t bother considering them at all.
I am talking about them, who are not only god-fearing, but are also they who work indeed for the good of the world and uphold His name. I talk about them, who indeed work hard and to make their ends meet, to earn their daily bread. And despite working harder than many suited-and-booted managers, they take to bed an hungry stomach! I think they deserve more than this. And if given an opportunity, they would prosper, only if we (who possess good fortune) let them do it.
I do not say give them money for free, I only say give them confidence so that they can aspire too.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Auf dem deutschen her könnte!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Argentina: Show the way!
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Favourites

The FIFA World Cup starts off today. I just watched the opening ceremony!

Irrespective of any kind of talent, their form must be daunting in

Still, no one must underestimate the selecaos. I give them my best wishes.
Most people are not counting them as anywhere near winning, but this team has a lot of common with the 1986 winning team. Carlos Bilardo, a coach under fire, a hero mistrusted ... well you have it all. Only you must replace the bold Maradona with shy and meek Lionel Messi.
A lot rests on the young lad's head, but he certainly needs to show the world that he can deliver his best when it really matters.

They had a horrible campaign in the World cup Qualifiers; another similarity with the 1986 World Cup squad.
But what I am genuinely worried about is their defence. They don't have one! Or at least i can see too many gaps. They need to gauge it up. But as Maradona is, he might want to score more goals than his opponents!
My key players Lionel Messi, and Javier Mascherano. I generally doubt how good Mascherano is in the midfield.
If I have learned anything from watching football over all these years, it is never undersesitmate the germans.
Although they have lost some important player in Traesch, and my key player Michael Ballack, they still have Lukas Podolski, Bastian Schweinsteiger, Cacau and of course Miroslav Klose. Kroos, Badstuber, Khedira, Muller, and Trochowski, provide the young quotient, in the sqaud.
Only if Phllip Lahm (the captain) can keep his defence tight, they can get to the semi-finals because they face Argentina in the Quarters by the seedings.
Well I guess that should be all for the contenders, although I so wish an African team to win.
So do watch the England vs USA tomorrow!